Thursday, 25 April 2013

Kids in Danger

     But still, I have what to tell concerning this unpleasant topic. The case is that a few years ago I went on a small trip with a friend of mine and with our kids. We went to Spain for a week. The country is really gorgeous, all these golden sandy beaches and cooling water. It seemed to me that we had got into the paradise. But the next day after our arrival, it turned into hell for a couple of hours. The reason was that the climate of the resort spot appeared to be inappropriate for the kid of my friend and he fall ill with fever. We had, of course, the insurance package and it was supposed that our agent would solve all the problems, but we had to deal with everything on our own. Our agent took a leave just after our check-in.    
     Fortunately, previously I could always manage to overcome any disease of my kid and everything appeared to be well-treated and well-cured. We are lucky to have an excellent doc who are ready to help whenever it is necessary.
     So, I can say English of the Spanish in the town we stayed in was not so good, as their understanding of it. Thus, it was even harder to arrange everything. Luckily, we've found a doc with a good command of English who was a real pro in his field, so that we could spend the rest of our vacation enjoying the sun and the warmth.

1 comment:

  1. Glad that everything turned out ok. That has got to be worrisome when a child falls ill and you are out of the country. I recall my grandchild visiting here from the south. She became ill with that overnight virus where you are vomiting constantly. She vomited so much through the night, we just kept a pail by the bed. I felt so sorry, but that too did past.
